Tagged: Seascapes

Northern Maine Gallery

Our New England meanderings included two separate stints in Maine. For the first and northernmost of these, we stayed in a small lobster fishing village called Corea. We chose this location to be close to Acadia...

South Iceland Gallery I

Jokulsarlon is one of the most famous and most visited natural attractions in Iceland and turned out to be one of our favourites too. It offers the mind-boggling combination of a glacier, an iceberg...

An Interview with Myself

I was late for the interview.  So I was nervous.  This was the first interview that Burman was giving to a travel blogger and I didn’t want to blow it.  He had a reputation...

Silent Letters, Double Consonants and Murderous Midges

We should have known.  Myvatn.  The word rolls easily enough off the tongue until you reach the “n”.  Words that end with “tn” really should be discouraged, like goalkeepers named “Szczesny” and places called...

North Iceland Gallery

Overflowing with photographic opportunities, North Iceland is a hotbed of volcanic activity, grand waterfalls and moody coastal vistas. Just avoid the insects!